Renting vs. Buying an Orange County Home


Some of the Many Benefits of Owning Versus Renting:

  1. Tax write offs from both the IRS and the State of California.
  2. Potential substantial price appreciation of homes over time.
  3. Avoiding persistent rent increases year-after-year.
  4. Avoiding landlord problems and sudden notices that the rental property is being put up for sale.
  5. Avoiding being "priced out" of an ever-increasing housing market.
  6. Favorable treatment of capital gains and exclusion of $250,000-$500,000 of the capital gain from taxable income.


Great Reasons to Consider Buying Now:

  1. Lowest interest rates for home loans in 25-30 years
  2. A 1% increase in interest rate is equivalent to a 10% increase in home  prices in terms of your monthly payment
  3. Home prices have declined on average approximately 40%
  4. Lots of inventory to choose from
  5. Motivated sellers
  6. Record number of foreclosures and short sales on the market


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